Lawn mowers are a great way to keep your yard looking crisp and clean during warmer months, but ensuring a long-lived mower means taking care of it as well. Maintaining a mower doesn’t have to be difficult. It takes just a few details to make sure you know how to handle the basics. 

Here at Magnum Power, we like to keep down the potential for problems with a healthy dose of regular maintenance! Whatever the equipment, we want it running right. That’s why we put together this short guide to help you keep your mower cutting week after week. Read on for more information or head into our location in Lawson, Missouri, near Kearney, Liberty, Gladstone, and Kansas City. We proudly serve all of Clay County!

Basic Care

The more complicated your mower, the more complicated your basic care will be. A smaller push or walk-behind hardly need much attention on their mechanical parts at all. Just make sure to keep them clean and clear of clippings and other debris. 

Commercial-grade mowers come with a lot of particular fittings that should be kept lubricated, the number of which depends on the mower size. Your owner’s manual will give you a plan to tackle other basic mechanical maintenance. Lots of small problems can be fixed by some owner’s manual study, but if your mower is busted beyond your ability or else isn’t starting after a long time of not being used, it’s likely time to call for professional service.

Use the Right Fuel

Getting the right fuel mix is important when dealing with mowers. The right fuel will ensure your mower lasts a long time, while the wrong fuel can cause serious damage. You should use any fuel that has more than 10% ethanol.

Additionally, when storing a mower over the winter, it’s a good idea to add a fuel stabilizer. This prevents water from separating out of the gasoline, which can then either rust through the fuel tank or get sucked into the engine for more damage. 


Make sure to keep your mower stored where it will be protected from weather. The cooler and dryer, the better. If you choose to use a cover, don’t buy anything made out of plastic. It will restrict airflow and encourage water buildup. Look for a cover that repels water. Always dry and remove excess grass before storage.

Clean the Mowing Deck

The mowing deck can get clogged and covered with grass clippings and mulch over time. Due to water and mud, this residue can harden and become much more difficult to clear off, eventually doing damage to your mower over time. Cleaning out the deck regularly will prevent buildup and prevent this wear and tear to the undercarriage of your mower, saving you from having to replace belts and other moving parts.

Hopefully we’ve given you some ideas about how to get started with maintaining your lawn mower. With a bit of attention, you’ll help keep it running for seasons to come and cut back on the potential for expensive service and repair. You should find that getting into the routine of maintenance makes it all the easier. For more lawn mower tips, head into Magnum Power in Lawson, Missouri, near Kearney, Liberty, Gladstone, and Kansas City. We proudly serve Clay County with our team of courteous professionals who’re ready to answer your questions and help you find what you’re looking for.