The tractor is the true workhorse of the American farm, and it has been for well over a century now. These labor-saving machines are a boon to farmers of all types because of their durability, versatility, and simplicity. Use them to assist with planting crops, or haul away heavy payloads in a trailer.

If you’re thinking of purchasing a tractor, you may have some sticker shock after you check out some of the prices on new models. That’s why we here at Magnum Power, serving Lawson, MO, recommend buying used tractors. A used machine will have plenty of life left in it, thanks to its solid construction, while shaving hundreds or even thousands of dollars off the initial purchasing price. Want to learn more? Check out our used tractor buying guide below!

Look For A Dealer With Integrity

You might begin your search for a used tractor online, as many modern farmers do, thanks to 21st century technology which allows you to quickly search for products on your laptop or phone. But buying from the first person you see, or from a classified ad, could lead to trouble. You never know whether an unscrupulous private seller is trying to offload a piece of stolen equipment, or whether a particular machine has flaws and damage that they’re trying to hide.

What might work best is to search for reputable dealers in your area with high ratings, who have a proven track record of successful sales. In fact, that’s probably how you’ve landed on the Magnum Power website! We pride ourselves on having as much information about each of our models as possible and we only sell used tractors that are in peak condition, with no repairs needed. You want to deal with someone who is friendly, honest, and upfront when investing in something as essential as a tractor, so don’t go with a shady stranger!

Check The Machine’s Condition

When you’re on the lot investigating a variety of used tractors, it’s essential that you carefully inspect any model you’re considering. If you’re not sure what to look for when it comes to used tractors, ask an experienced friend to come along with you so they can ascertain the condition of the used tractor.

Either you or your expert friend should check for how worn the vehicle is and whether its wear matches up with the operational hours given. Lower hours will leave little wear on carpeting, mats, tires, and pedals, but high hours may mean that these parts aren’t in good shape. Look for engine leaks, corrosion around the battery, and check the engine oil. If possible (which it should be), take a test drive to see how the tractor steers and whether it makes any grinding noises that could signal trouble.

Get The Background History

Any dealer worth their salt will have the proof of ownership, repair records, and history of any piece of equipment they’re selling. Never purchase a used tractor whose provenance is a mystery to you. You should be able to look over the machine’s full history and know how many owners it’s had, what repairs have been done, and whether it has sustained any significant damage.

You’ll also want to look up the model online to see whether the company that built it has had to recall the machine for flaws in manufacturing. And while you’re online, look up customer reviews to see how users rate the machine’s performance in day-to-day operations.

We hope this guide helps you find the perfect used tractor for your farming operations! Searching for used tractors in Clay County? Visit our dealership in Lawson today to take a look at our inventory of used tractors for sale. Magnum Power is conveniently near the cities of Kearney, Liberty, and Kansas City, MO.