When you're not using your mower, it's important to store it because mowers are susceptible to damage from the elements and debris. Proper mower storage will also ensure that your mower runs properly when you're ready to mow again! Our team at Magnum Power has a few tips that will keep your mower in great condition even when it’s not regularly being used.

1. Location

The first step of properly storing your lawn mower is to select the right location. Choose a dry, well-ventilated area with no direct sunlight, such as a garage or shed. Make sure the area is free of any obstacles that could cause damage to the mower. If you don’t have a shelter like this, you can also use a tarp or cover to protect it. 

2. Cleaning

Another way to preserve the condition of your mower is to clean it before you put it in storage. This is especially important if you’re putting it away for the season! Remove any debris and grass before storing to help prevent rust and corrosion while it’s not being used.

3. Maintenance & Lubrication

You’ll also want to complete any maintenance tasks before stowing away your lawn mower. Be sure to check the mower blades for sharpness and to adjust them if necessary. You should also lubricate any moving parts to prevent rust and stubborn components when you’re ready to mow again. 

Properly caring for your mower and extending its life includes properly storing it between uses and in the off season. Visit us in Lawson, MO, to stock up on parts and have a look at our selection. We proudly serve the Clay County and Kansas City areas.