If you’ve recently bought a lawn mower, you’re likely well aware that a quality model can be pretty pricey. To keep your latest mower lasting for years to come, we’ve put together the short list of maintenance tasks below to help you lengthen the life of your mower.

Clean Your Mower

A great way to ensure your mower stays in good condition for the next several years is to clean it regularly! Caked-on grass and mud will quickly lead to rust and corrosion if not removed. Before long, you’ll either be replacing parts, or have to purchase a brand-new mower. To avoid this, give your machine a gentle rinse after each use, or wipe it down with a wet towel. Be sure to wipe the blade thoroughly, and allow the mower to sit in the sun to dry before placing it back in storage.

Sharpen the Blade

Speaking of your mower’s blade—we encourage you to sharpen yours regularly! A lawn mower’s blade can become dull very quickly, reducing efficiency and ruining the overall look of your grass. Sharpening the blade once a month can help reduce wear and tear on your model, and keep it running for much longer! 

Check the Fluids

The single most important fluid that goes into your machine is the engine oil. To keep your mower running for for the next 15 years, we advise checking the oil regularly—much like you would for a car. Once the dipstick shows dark or dirty-looking oil, you’ll want to purchase a new filter and give your mower a quick oil change. 

If you’re located nearby in Clay County or Kansas City, Missouri, we hope you’ll visit us here at Magnum Power for all of your lawn mower needs! We’re conveniently located in the nearby city of Lawson, Missouri, and have a number of high-quality models and replacement parts for sale.