No matter how carefully you use your lawn mower, eventually it’s going to need professional servicing. We here at Magnum Power want to help you get through your visit as smoothly as possible, so we’ve put together a few tips for taking your mower to the service department. If you’re in need of lawn mower maintenance, or just want to see the mowers we have for sale, contact our store in Lawson, Missouri, today!

Before the Visit

You can’t plan for emergencies or breakdowns, but whenever possible, schedule your visit to the service department well in advance. Walk-ins are almost always an option, but you’ll be working around the existing schedule and there’s no telling when your mower will get the attention it needs. No one likes to wait forever, so plan ahead when you can.

For help figuring out when to schedule visits, look at your owner’s manual for a recommended maintenance schedule. Plan your appointments around these to stay on top of things.

At the Appointment

Once you arrive at the service department, keep in mind that any estimated times to completion are exactly that—estimated. Staffing issues, complications during maintenance with your or someone else’s lawn mower, and other problems can lead to delays. Just remember that the staff is dedicated to getting your machine back to you in top condition as fast as possible.

Looking for the right maintenance team for your mower? Contact us at Magnum Power for assistance, or if you’re in need of a new lawn mower altogether. We proudly serve the people of Clay County and Kansas City, Missouri—let us serve you today!