The longer a chainsaw goes without maintenance, the less effective it will become, especially if it sees frequent usage. However, attempting to perform maintenance on a chainsaw without the right know-how and tools is likely to result in damage to the machine or injury to the operator. That is why the experts at Magnum Power have created this introduction to chainsaw maintenance.

Sharpening The Chain

Compared to a sharp chain, a dull chain both expends more energy while cutting and is more likely to cause harm or injury. Luckily, sharpening a chainsaw’s chain is easy enough with the right tools. If you do not have those tools, talk to an expert in order to get the chain sharpened.

Replacing The Chain

If you are expending more energy than you should need to while cutting even though the chain is freshly sharpened, it may be time to replace the chain altogether. We recommend yearly chain replacement. If you keep a spare chain around, you can perform the swap yourself and go right back to using your chainsaw.

Lubricating The Chain

If your chainsaw’s chain is unable to move smoothly across the bar, the results can be disastrous. That is why every chainsaw has a reservoir of chain oil to keep it lubricated, one that you should top off at the beginning of every job. Particularly long jobs may necessitate you adding more oil to the reservoir midway through.

Checking The Chain’s Tension

You should try to keep your chainsaw’s chain as tight as possible for optimal performance. Loose chains can jump off the chain bar and cause injuries, so always check the tension before starting a job. This will also help you avoid damaging your chainsaw. If you are not sure how to tighten your chainsaw’s chain, check your owner’s manual. During longer jobs, take a moment partway through to check your chain’s tension.

For more information or to view our selection of chainsaws, visit Magnum Power online or at our dealership in Lawson, Missouri. We also offer parts ordering and servicing. We are proud to serve the Clay County, Missouri area, as well as communities like Kansas City, Missouri.