Every now and then, someone comes into Magnum Power wondering “How do I start my own farming business?”

That’s a pretty big question, but it’s one we love to hear. Farming is an extremely rewarding profession and if it’s your dream, we would love to help you get it off the ground. That said, there’s a lot involved in starting your own farm. You need to invest in land, equipment, and most importantly, your own professional development. To succeed at farming requires considerable business sense. 

Here’s an intro to getting started on your own farming business. You’ll need some high-quality ag equipment to get started, so come and see us at our dealership in Lawson, Missouri, where we serve our neighbors from Clay County, Kansas City, and beyond. 

Write a Business Plan

Every business needs a business plan, and farms are no exception. This is a chance for you to get very clear on your goals and intentions. For example, there are plenty of different and valid reasons to want to farm, such as: making money; stewardship of the land; improving animal welfare; transforming society. Your business plan will be a critical tool in getting support and funding from entities like the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), the FSA (Farm Service Agency), local extension agencies, and financial institutions.

Think Ahead

When you are making your plans, think ahead about preparing for every eventuality. For example, consider your water access and how you’ll manage water. If livestock is part of your plan, get a good veterinarian lined up and make a plan for your agricultural waste. The more you plan ahead, and the better you prepare for the unexpected, the more likely you are to survive all the challenges that face all farmers. 

Procure Your Tools

Beginning farmers are usually on a tight budget, and that’s OK. Once you know what you intend to grow, talk to the team at Magnum Power about how to get the most bang for your farm equipment buck. Farmers are always upgrading, so there’s a continual stream of great used tractors, cultivators and other machines that will serve you well until you’re the one upgrading. 

Most farmers will want to start out with: 

  • A compact tractor with a few attachments for tilling and other tasks
  • A trailer for transporting amendments, soil, crops, seedlings and more
  • A set of handheld gardening tools like hoes, rakes, spades and forks
  • A handcart for carrying loose materials or heavy items
  • A set of basic hand tools such as hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, and adjustable wrenches

Stop by Magnum Power in Lawson, Missouri. We’re proud to be part of the awesome farming community in and around Clay County, Kansas City, and beyond. We’d love to help set you up with the agricultural equipment and tools you need to run a successful farming business.