8 Useful Tractor Implements

8 Useful Tractor Implements Article from Magnum Power

Tractors are powerful vehicles than can make short work of even the most exhausting agricultural or land management tasks, but without the right implements there’s no way to apply all that potential power to the work that needs doing. With one or more power take offs, towing hitches, and multiple types of sturdy mounting bracket, tractors are often built to work with a wide variety of implements.

At Magnum Power, we understand that the sheer number of tractor implements available might send some into overtime trying to figure out what’s best for which application. We work with our customers to determine a solution to their specific work needs. In that spirit we’ve put together this short list — yes, even eight implements is a short list! — that could greatly increase agricultural and property management productivity.

Read on for more details or head into our Lawson, Missouri location. We serve nearby Kearney, Liberty, Gladstone, and Kansas City, Missouri, as well as all of Clay County.

Box Blade

A fundamental tool for tractor owners, a box blade is a versatile device with a simple design. Pulled behind a tractor, a box blade digs into earth then spreads out material into a flat layer. This makes box blades great for creating roads or paths as well as leveling loose material like dirt and gravel. Take the guesswork out of leveling with a box blade!


A mower or cutter can cut grass and weeds down to a manageable height that even riding mowers can’t handle. Depending on the height and style of your tractor, this device can be used to mow your lawn, trim a baseball field, or even knock down the cheatgrass before fire season. Mowers are useful for those who have acres to trim and a tight schedule in which to do it.


Loaders are fantastically helpful for tractor owners looking to add some front-facing utility to their rigs. An arm connects to a pallet loader, bucket, or other type of attachment. Whether you need to pull pallets off a trailer or move a big pile of material, a loader implement can get that work done.

Rear Blade

Like a box blade, a rear blade can help flatten and level material or earth. Rear blades trail behind tractors, scraping off a top layer of material, making grading roads, paths, or even scraping away snow a breeze.

Post Hole Digger

Digging holes for fence posts is one of the most time consuming tasks if you don’t have the right equipment. Fortunately there’s an implement for that! A post hole digger is like a large auger that easily bores deep into the earth and leaves perfectly round holes wherever you need them. Even larger augers can be used for planting things like bushes and trees, making this tractor implement useful for landscapers and farmers alike.


While not useful all year long, a snowblower attachment for your tractor can be particularly handy when Old Man Winter comes to visit. You’ll be able to clear away snow extremely quickly, and it certainly beats clearing out your field or driveway with a shovel!

Rotary Tiller

Nothing will make tilling your cover crop easier than a rotary tiller tractor attachment. Prepping hard, old fields is even made easy with a rotary tiller. The attachment’s tines cut deep into soil and churn it up, leaving a fresh layer of soil ready for seeding or planting.


If you’re spreading salt on roads or spreading seeds in your field, a spreader is the perfect device for the job. A spreader uses a large hopper that is filled with the material to be spread and then uses a spinning wheel to fling the material in an even layer behind the tractor. It’s incredible useful for many applications.

That’s a lot of tractor implements! Ready to check them out in-person? Don’t hesitate to call ahead or head into Magnum Power in Lawson, Missouri. We proudly serve Kearney, Liberty, Gladstone, Kansas City, and all of Clay County, Missouri. Come in today and talk with our team of courteous professionals who are more than eager to answer all your questions and help you find the tractor implements you’re looking for!